“Analysis and Applied Mathematics” Еженедельный онлайн семинар 15

Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey

Analysis & PDE Center, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

 Institute Mathematics & Math. Modeling, Almaty, Kazakhstan

 “Analysis and Applied Mathematics”

Weekly Online Seminar

DateTuesday, February 7, 2023

Time: 14.00-15.00 (Istanbul) = 12.00-13.00 (Ghent) = 17.00-18.00 (Almaty)

Zoom linkhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/6678270445?pwd=SFNmQUIvT0tRaHlDaVYrN3l5bzJVQT09,

Conference ID: 667 827 0445Access code: 1


Prof. Dr. Vitaly Volpert

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France

Title: Epidemic models with time delay

Abstract: In this lecture we will introduce a new class of epidemic models with distributed and point-wise delay. We will compare them with conventional compartmental models and will use them to describe the data on COVID-19 epidemic.

Abstracts and forthcoming talks can be found on our webpage