“Analysis and Applied Mathematics” Еженедельный онлайн семинар 42



Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Time: 14.00-15.00 (Istanbul) = 12.00-13.00 (Ghent) = 16.00-17.00 (Almaty)


Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6678270445?pwd=SFNmQUIvT0tRaHlDaVYrN3l5bzJVQT09, 

Conference ID: 667 827 0445, Access code: 1


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Salim Messaoudi

University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE


Title: On a thermoelastic Bresse system free of the second spectrum: existence and stability

Abstract: In this talk, we consider, in a bounded interval, the following one-dimensional linear truncated thermoelastic Bresse system: 


together with initial and boundary conditions. We establish the well posedness, using the semigroup theory and with the help of non-classical deferential operators. After that, we show that the system is exponentially stable if and only if the hyperbolic equations have the same speed of wave propagation. In the opposite case, we establish a polynomial decay.



Prof. Salim A. Messaoudi got his PhD in 1989, from Carnegie-Mellon University, USA. He has worked in several universities and he is currently a faculty member in the Math department, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. He has been involved in research and supervision for the last 36 years. He published many journal papers, attended many international conferences and supervised a good number of PhD students. His area of interest is PDE’s and Applied Mathematics. For more information, you may check his profile in https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Lp8efTcAAAAJ